Вторник, 04.02.2025, 19:46
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Викторина «Лондон и его достопримечательности »
[ Скачать с сервера (247.5 Kb) ]29.01.2016, 11:12


Вершенник К.Г.

Класс: 4 «Б»



«Лондон и его достопримечательности »

«London and its sights»


London is the capital of Great Britain. About 7 million people live there.London is situated on the riverThames. It is the deepest  river in Britain.

The houses of Parliament stand beside the River Thames. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament.

The tower of Big Ben is a symbol of London and of Britain. Westminster abbey- It is the traditional place of coronation for English monarchs.

The tower of London (the White tower) - The Tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. Today it’s a museum.

Tower Bridge is one of the oldest and most beautiful bridges in London.

Buckingham palace - The Queen of England Elizabeth II lives in Buckingham palace.

The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of the British capital. The square was named "Trafalgar" in the honor of Admiral Nelson's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

The London eye- It is the biggest wheel in Britain.



Match the words to make sights:

Westminster            Bridge

Big                            Square

Tower                       Palace

The Tower               Ben

The London             Museum

Buckingham            Abbey

Trafalgar                 of Parliament

The British               Eye



WestminsterAbbey     - Вестминстерское аббатство

BigBen- Биг Бен

TowerBridge- Тауэрский мост

The Tower of London- БашняЛондона

The London Eye- ГлазаЛондона

Buckingham Palace- Букингемскийдворец

Trafalgar  Square- Трафальгарскаяплощадь

The British Museum- Британскиймузей

The Houses of Parliament- ЗданиеПарламента


Answer the following questions:

1.      What is the capital of Great Britain?

a)      Washington          b) London           c) New York


2.What river does London stand on?


3.Tick the photo of Big Ben.

a)                b)                  c)


4.  Big Ben is

a) a tower               b) a bell                c) a clock


5. In the middle of this square there is a monument to Admiral Nelson

a) Piccadilly Circus           b) Trafalgar Square         c) Parliament Square


6. Now the Tower of London is

a) a prison               b) a museum           c) a hotel


7.Tick the photo of the British bus

a)                   b)                       c)


8. Make up the English words using the parts of the words.



eum                        pal                          wn

tou                          um                         ment




9. What is London famous for?

a) gardens              b) forests               parks


10. Find as many words as you can.

B       T       O      W     E       R       C

U      H      Z       O      O      W     D

S       A      Y      P       A      R       K

S       M      A      L       B       E       N

N      E       L       S       O      N      F

I        S       Q      U      A      R       E



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